
使用 Rush 词汇的例句,rust词根

poisonous词根 2023-10-17 19:19 142 墨鱼

使用 Rush 词汇的例句,rust词根

短语词组常见例句rush into 1. 仓促从事We must not rush into anything without careful planning. 任何事情没有经过仔细筹划就不可冒然从事。rush out 1. 匆匆大量赶制【例句】A small girl rushed past her. 一个小女孩匆匆从她身边经过。【例句】Mo rushed off down the corridor. 莫匆匆走过走廊。2. 【释义】rush to do sth,to do so

╯^╰〉 例如:- Avoid driving during rush hour if you can. - The trains are always crowded during rush hour. 二、Rush的搭配用法除了以上基本用法外,Rush还可以与其他词汇搭一、详细释义: adj. , 紧急的,急需的, 例句:The boss gave us a rush job.,上司派给我们一个紧急任务。n. , 急速行动;冲,奔[C] , 例句:They all m

单词rush 例句大全,用单词rush造句:I an adrenalinerush. 我有肾上腺素激发症。I'm in a bit of arush. 请快一点。After therushand uproar 在匆忙的尘嚣之后It was all 1. rush off 匆匆走掉,仓促跑掉例如:She hopped on her bicycle and rushed off. 她跳上自行车匆匆离去2. rush out仓促生产,赶制例如:The editor rushed ou

The office always operates in a rush. 办公室的工作总是很繁忙。例句:I don't like the rush of city. 我不喜欢纷繁忙碌的城市生活。大量,激增例句:A rush [r??] v. 冲,奔跑人教九- 全Unit 3 例句:They rushed towards the door. 他们冲向门口。251. rapid [‘r?p?d] adj. 迅速的人教八- 下Unit 9 例句:The children have


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