
put sth. of,put sth out

put into 2023-12-29 23:33 340 墨鱼
put into

put sth. of,put sth out

doing sthhas long been my dream and I can make full use of the time todo sthanddo sth 第一个doing sth是你计划要做的事,后两个do sth是具体要做什么。这种并列都可以灵活对待sth by | put sth aside 攒钱;积蓄I'm putting by part of my wages every week to buy a bike. 我每个星期把一部分工资存起来准备买辆自行车。put down (飞机或飞行员) 降

Putofthefireandletthemixturecool. 关掉火,让混合液体冷却。7. Putofthyholymantleandevenlikehimcomedownon the dustysoil! 脱掉你的圣袍,甚至象他一off +名词=put +物主代词off 脱下I put off my sweater after coming into the room .我进屋后脱下运动衫推迟延期The meeting will

put sth of out of action 英美adj.使停止工作分享单词到:put off +名词=put +物主代词,off 脱下;put 推迟、延期;put +sb;off 在这里是介词,因此后接现在分

●△● Put your name here. 请在这里填上姓名。F:使处于(某状态或情况) to bring sb/sth into the state or condition mentioned I was put in charge of the office. 他们让我负责管理sth across 描述清楚、解释明白put sth aside ① 忽视② 储存、留出put sth away ①将收起② 攒钱put forward 提议、建议put sth in 花费、投入(时间等) put sth off


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