

屠呦呦作文素材简短 2023-08-13 18:51 834 墨鱼


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高分英语作文1:My hero Tu youyou Li Xin is a good teacher, not only because she has a good teaching method, but also because she loves her students a我最敬佩的人屠呦呦初中英语作文Ihaveagreatadmirerinmyschool——liuyuxun, she is a doctor。She grew up in Qinghai province。She came to our country in 1956。Now

崇拜屠呦呦英语作文:The first of this year’s Nobel prizes has been awarded, for medicine, and it has gone t我最钦佩的科学家屠呦呦英语作文My Most Admired Scientist—Tu Youyou I most admire the scientist Tu Youyou. She is a Chinese pharmaceutical chemist and educationis

t‎heXXrd-‎givingb‎odsaidMonda‎.今日,诺贝尔‎颁奖人士称,中国‎女科学家屠呦呦,‎日本教授大村智以‎及爱尔兰的医学研‎究者Willia‎mCam‎pbell因研发写屠呦呦的英语作文篇一:The first of this year’s Nobel prizes has been awarded, for medicine, and it has gone to a trio of researchers for work against parasitic disea

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标签: 我最崇拜的人袁隆平英语作文80词



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