

anyone造句 2023-02-06 16:42 733 墨鱼


Ida had no choice but to leave,sighing. 艾达别无选择,只能叹息着离开。Above them Key collapsed prone onto the deck,sighingin relief. 在他们上面调音倒塌俯伏的在甲Living alone in a strange land, he feelsanxiousand lost sometimes. 他独在异乡,心中略有些凄惘。If add the rice of some ofanxiouspaste, can treat again dysenteric


Leave us alone, and we will sort our own problems. If theyleave us alone, we will not bother them. He kind ofleaves us aloneand lets us play. Just walk behind Nom1. 听其自然,不要去管:leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰| leave alone 听其自然,不要去管| leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带2. leave alone 2. 不管,不理会;不打扰:learn f


ˋ△ˊ inscrutable英语造句,1、But the inscrutable Mr Ban replies that, in Asia, a smiling face often hides an inner strength.但这位1、leave alone 不打扰;不干涉;不管;不理例:For me, this house, this farm, these ancient vines are those roots. Although Icame into this world alone and will leave alone,


Leave well alone 不要画蛇添足leave severely alone 绝对不理,严格不介入敬而远之不再打交道,不再去干leave someone alone 不打扰某人leave well alone 别管它,听之任之,适可而止;不要画1、leave alone; don't Bother 2、We enter the world alone, and weleave alone. 3、He won't even thank you,leave alonepay you. 4、He willleave alonethi

四、leave in造句

【例句】After the cat had scratched Peter twice, he let it alone.【译文】彼得被猫抓伤两次之后,就不敢再招惹它了。模仿造句不去理会它,静静地坐下来。高考英语实用短语leave alone 释义:leave alone 不打扰;不干涉;不管;不理例句:How can you leave alone? 你怎么能一个人离开?We enter the world alone, and we leave


标签: came造句



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