

典范英语和牛津树内容重合了吗 2023-08-23 08:04 634 墨鱼


典范英语2ALesson1-Lesson5电子课本2A二年级上册01. Monkey Tricks 2A二年级上册02. A Sinking Feeling 2A二年级上册03. Naughty Children 2A二年级上册04. I典范新版英语skilfullydramaticallyretelling 版权所有。本版权所有。本课件仅供课件仅供《《典典范英语范英语》》教学教学之用,不得用之用,不得用于其他目的

典范英语2A L The children went to the zoo。They looked at the giraffes。The giraffes were tall。They looked at the seals。Theseals were hungry. They looked at典范英语2a lesson5Hey Presto! 课件+素材(共25张PPT) 典范英语2a Lesson6creepy-crawly 课件+素材(共25张PPT) 典范英语2a Lesson7 The Little Dragon课件+

典范英语2A 目录Lesson 1 Monkey tricks (3) Lesson2 A sinking feeling (4) Lesson3 Naughty Children (5) Lesson 4 It’s the weather (6) Lesson 5 Hey presto! (7) Lesson 6 Creepy-crawly !所属专辑:典范英语2A 喜欢下载分享用户评论表情0/300发表评论暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表1 Lesson11 252018-08 2 Lesson10 92018-08 3 Le

已阅读5页,还剩5页未读继续免费阅读本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领文档描述the children were in the sea.,da典范英语2a Lesson 5 Hey Presto Lesson5HeyPresto Review Kipperhadspots.BiffandChiphadspotstoo.Thedoctorcame.“Stayinbed.”shesaid.Mumhadspots.“Stayinbed,too.”saidthedoctor.Dadlooked

+ω+ 典范英语2a Lesson5Hey Presto! 课件.ppt,* Who is he? He is Liuqian. A conjuror. * Have you ever seen this show? Today we're going to learn a stor典范英语2a第5课00:00 00:43打开APP收藏下载声音详情陈菲燕🍔 FM 60972837 15粉丝关注典范英语2a第5课2017-10-14 播放19猜你喜欢听U2L2默写ていひ 04


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