

nation例句 2023-10-14 21:55 425 墨鱼


It's a bitawkwardfor me to come and see you. 我有点不方便过来看你。展开更多adj. 使用不便的;不好用的展开简明例句The machine was veryawkwardto use. 这台机器非常不好词根:awkward adv. awkwardly笨拙地;无技巧地n. awkwardness尴尬;笨拙awkward 常用句子1.Basically, the tech industry seems to be in anawkwardperiod now

+▂+ 参考例句1.The handle of this teapot has anawkwardshape. 这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭。2.It's anawkwarddoor -- you have to bend down to go through it. 这扇门很不方便-awkward[ˈɔ:kwəd] 意思:a.令人尴尬,使人难堪的awkward例句(自然匹配,仅供参考) 例句:She was unable to sell it , because for one thing its size wasawkward. 翻译:她卖不掉它,一来是由于尺

8. Aunt Lena came to visit us at an awkward time. 丽娜大婶在我们很不方便的时候来了。9. The thing is a little awkward. 事情有点不好办。10. He passed off the awkwawkward的英语例句:1. Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments. 不幸的是,奶奶好像总是醒来的不是时候。2. Alexandra looked plump and awkwar

11、This cobbler is ratherawkward. 12、The silence was a littleawkward. 13、Searching mail was slow,awkward, and cumbersome. 14、Anotherawkwardissueawkward的例句At the formal party I felt veryawkwardand out of place. 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。Your refusal puts me in anawkwardpredi

awkward造句1、Please don't beawkwardabout letting him come. 关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。2、The minister had to fend off someawkwardquestions from reporters. 部单词awkward 例句大全,用单词awkward造句:She's got to an age where she is beingawkward. 她到了难相处的年龄。I'm always being told off for being soawkward. 我笨手


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