

对什么厌倦的英语短语bored 2023-10-19 13:02 733 墨鱼


sick of working. He worked seventy hours thisweek.4. be sick and tired of 我对你感到厌烦!I'm sick and tired of you!5. get bored with 避免对跑步感到厌烦to be(或become)fed up with(someone或something):意思是对某人或某事感到讨厌或厌倦(to get tired of; to be disgusted or to get sick of) 例如:I am fed up with his constant

海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版对某人[某事/做某事]不耐烦或感到厌烦的英文,对某人[某事/做某事]不耐烦或感到厌烦翻译,对某人[某事/做某事]不耐烦或感到厌烦英语怎么说英语⼝语表达tobefedupwith感到讨厌或厌倦to be(或become)fed up with(someone或something):意思是对某⼈或某事感到讨厌或厌倦(to get tired of; to be disgusted or

【知新】除了troubled和upset以外,老外也常用annoying来表示“某人或某事让人讨厌”,如:That's so annoying.真烦人。【更多同类表达】It's getting on my nerves.这让我感到心烦awith placenta dna and rna 与胎盘脱氧核糖核酸和rna[translate] asomething worries me null[translate] a对某人某事作某事感到厌烦Makes something to somebody somethin

be fed up with 感到讨厌或厌倦be/become fed up with的意思是:对某人或某事感到讨厌或厌倦同义词有:get tired of, be disgusted or to get sick of 如果某些状况持续了太长时间,sick of、tired of、weary of、bored with、fed up with这组词都可表示“对……厌倦”的意思。sick of,tired of 和weary of这三个短语用法相似,都是表示对

∩△∩ 解析根据题干,可知需要翻译的是"对……感到厌烦",其英语表达是"be fed up with"。故答案为be fed up with。结果一题目对……感到厌烦___ 答案be bored with相关推荐1 对做某事感到厌倦的英语是Tired of doing sth。tired adj.(形容词)疲倦的,累的;枯燥乏味的,陈腐的;厌烦的;破


标签: 惊吓使害怕的英文



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