10-25 434
小区环境的英语作文(通用20篇) |
描写小区的英语作文带翻译1 我家住在一个美丽的小区,它叫“爱美颂”。My family lives in a beautiful community. Its called "Ode to beauty". 小区的大门口正文描写小区的英语作文带翻译我家住在一个美丽的小区,它叫“爱美颂”Myfamilylivesbeautifulcommunity.called"Odebeauty"小区的`大门口有一处美丽的喷泉,喷泉
作文一:【原文】I live in a city, and when I was very young, my family moved to a community where I have been living for about ten years.Here, I spent m高分英语作文1: Our community is not a place, but there are a lot of people in the morning, we exercise in the afternoon, we chat with the old people,
∩△∩ 描写小区的英语作文带翻译1 我家住在一个美丽的小区,它叫“爱美颂”。My family lives in a beautiful community. Its called "Ode to beauty". 小区的大门口时隔多年,家乡的变化是非常大的,但是,家乡的美景还是依旧那么美丽.下面和小编一起来看家乡的变化英语作文,希望有所帮助!家乡的变化英语作文1 In the past,my
1.In my neighbourhood,there is a restaurant,介绍你所在的社区英语作文,a school,a police station,a department store and a bank. 在我家附近,有一家餐馆、一所学校、一个警察描写⼩区的英语作⽂带翻译篇1 我家住在⼀个美丽的⼩区,它叫“爱美颂”。 My family lives in a beautiful community. Its called "Ode to beauty". ⼩区的⼤门⼝
A New Neighbourhood-关于描写新住宅小区的英语作文I live in a new neighbourhood now. My family moved here a year ago. From then on more and more peop家乡的环境英语作文篇1 My home is a beautiful place, where the air fresh and sweet, an exceptionally beautiful place, the sky blue and far, the river crystal clear, tre
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标签: 小区环境的英语作文范文
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