
do part time job,start

friendships 2023-05-22 16:25 853 墨鱼

do part time job,start

Should college students do part-time jobs? In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in time job is also part of your career. Don't try to see it. If you want it to bring you profits, you should not lose heart in time and cost - re

I am tough and I am willing to do everything I can do. Anyone has the information about part-time job, please recommend to me. 我是一名中学生。我很活泼开朗。我喜5. Part-time jobs do not help develop a sense of thriftiness among young people becausemany students spend the money on such high-priced items and lu

⊙^⊙ Do you need a good job? If so, there are millions of other Americans that are just like you. Unfortunately, most of the jobs that are available in America today are part time work发音意思翻译做兼职工作相似词语短语part time───n.兼任,部分时间;adj.兼职的;部分时间的;n.部分时间;兼任do part time job───做兼职Do par

a group class 大班授课do a part-time job 做兼职come on 加油,算了|基于2个网页2. 做业余工作14. 吸取教训draw a lesson from 15. 做业余工1)moonlight(尤其指的是夜班)2)take a part-time job.3) take an odd job.(做零工)4)

Part -time job应该和及物动词连用,因为part time job是一个名词短语,而及物动词后面要加宾语,名词短语可以做宾语,所以Part time job应该和及物动词连用。干一份兼职工作的英文是不是do a part-time job? 答案1) moonlight(尤其指的是夜班)2) take a part-time job.3) take an odd job.(做零工)4) Work through one's college&h


标签: start



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