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12-21 583
pasttensetime |
past tensen. 过去式past perfect tensephr. 过去完成时past progressive tensephr. 过去进行时in the past在过去,从前be past it(技巧,精力,性欲等)不如当年in pastpast tense “past tense”的中文翻译词典解释固定词组ph. 1. 过去式相关词语pasttense
3. Past Perfect Tense 4. Past Perfect Progressive Tense Note the following: a. Actions of all 4 Past Tenses were completed in the past and are no longer ongoing at prese1.The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of verb to be (was/were),and the base of the main verb+ing. Affirmative:
past tense的解释是:过去式…同时,该页为英语学习者提供:past tense的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。Past tense:固定词组ph. 过去式歌曲:Past Tense 歌手:w-inds 专辑:《Single Collection BEST ELEVEN》歌曲歌词冻りそうな空映した街に 割れた月から流れ出し
1、past tense:n.过去式。2、例句:I dont want us to bein the past tense.我不想我们像过去那样紧张了。Chinese also has no past tense; dopast tense的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun: a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past past tense的用法和样例:
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标签: pasttenseform
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大量患者和广泛临床证实,在很多临床环境中,您需要具有全数字高清成像与极速扫描的磁共振。通过飞利浦磁共振专业解决方案,您能够解决任何当今医疗挑战。 联系我们 MRI 设备 飞利浦临床核磁共振成像...
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