
it is convenient to do造句,用the ability to do sth造句

recommend sb as造句 2023-10-15 16:13 266 墨鱼
recommend sb as造句

it is convenient to do造句,用the ability to do sth造句

be convenient to do sth造句be convenient to do sth造句1. It is convenient to do grocery shopping on the way home from work. 2. The online payment system is conveit is convenient for sb to do sth造句1. It is convenient for him to get to work by taking the bus. 2. It is convenient for her to go shopping with her friends af

1、Would tomorrowbe convenient toyou? 2、Will Fridaybe convenient toyou? 3、What time would itbe convenient toclean your room? 4、Would itbe conveni1、What time would it be convenient to clean your room?请问何时方便打扫您的房间?。2、It may be convenient to be defended by the world's superpower, but self-resp

it's convenient for me to go to school by bike.答案是:it is very convenient for me to walk to school 我步行上学很方便�7�4 �7�5手工翻译�7�7尊重劳动�

╯ω╰ 同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth. 2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will1. He belongs to the lower middle class. 他来自中产阶级下层。2. The lower berth is more convenient. 下铺更为方便。及物动词1. He would never lower

10. it is convenient (for sb) to do sth (对某人来说)做某事方便Nowadays it is convenient for people to pay bills with the mobile phone. 现在人们用手11、The town is well placed for easy access to Washington D.C. andconvenient forDulles Airport. 12、It is not only very suitable for travel, but also


标签: 用the ability to do sth造句



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