
get an education,in the future

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get an education,in the future

get an education 释义受教育点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部Edna: Asas they still get an education, I think it's OK. 埃德娜:只要他们仍然受过教6) get an education 7) forty thousand kids/40000 kids/40, 000 kids 8) girls were not allowed (9) 50 per cent/50%/50 percent/fifty percent/fifty per cent 10) running the

高考常用高频词组get an education释义:get an education 受教育;接受教育;得到教育例句:His mother wanted him to get an education. 他的母亲希望他能够接受教育。It neve都对的. 例子:Her girls get an education,and a good listener (来自USATODAY)The intention is to let everyon

get an education 获得教育网络释义1. 得到教育2. 受教育3. 接受教育例句:1.Most people spend a lot of time to get an education.很多的人花了很大的精力和i think all the children should get education . 和I think all the children should get an education. 是不是都是正确的?解析:都对的。例子:Her girls get an

●▂● get an education.. 翻译原文(英语): get an education更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 接受教育更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 获得教网络受教育;获得教育;接受教育网络释义1. 受教育初二英语英语(下册)重点词组与句型_英语网get bored 厌烦get an education受教育get injured 受伤yingyu.co


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