

英文版的中国故事 2023-10-14 21:34 627 墨鱼


中国故事英文版(1) 郑人买履A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of He measured his foot and put the measurement on a When he set out fo中国童话故事英文版篇1 A panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure

《中国好故事》系列是国内首个用蓝思阅读评级创作的英文版中国故事。按照不同的阅读难度,为每册书都标注了等级。▲点击上方图片,查看此书详情《中国好故事》第一部适合学习英语3英语·中国传统故事本文音频整理自:英文教学(ID:yingwenjiaoxue),版权归原作者所有注:以下蓝色标题均为链接,可点开直接阅读(点,点,点) 01 New Year's Eve 除夕02 Laba Festival

今天的故事是《乌龟和兔子》由林珍妮和希拉·希金森复述,朱迪·卢克斯顿讲述。单足蹦跳单足蹦跳单足蹦跳兔子跳得很快。嬉皮士!希望怜悯!单足蹦跳单足蹦跳兔子跳得更快。“看看我英语讲中国故事简短(三年级) 《井底之蛙》寓言故事中英文版The Frog In The Well -——井底之蛙There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well. One day he m

1、女娲补天英文:It is said that there was no man when the sky andthe earth were separated by Pangu. It was Nuwawho made human beings after her own model withyellow cl1.中国神话故事英文版英文:Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jingwei. She loved her father Yandi very much. They often played together and were very happy every d


标签: 五个超短的英语小故事



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