如果确实弄伤了 ,那你可能找到的是骗子 ,把你做坏做伤了,如不是肌肉损伤,那就没办法自然恢复了...
12-26 189
akindof等于什么 |
of its kind,contribute to
例句:The technique, believed to be the first of its kind. 这一技术据称是行业首创。Now a first-of-its-kind study finds that it's possible to analyzeThis kind of shoes is very expensive. 这种鞋子非常昂贵。2kind 的例句A few kind words at the right time make all the difference. 在适当的时候说几句体贴话效果迥然
of its kind的中文意思:点击查看详细解释:of its kind的中文翻译、of its kind的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握of its kind这个短语。of its kind修饰the first,这里first是名词“首次”。其中its指代的是the meeting 翻译:这次会议是双
ˋ△ˊ the first of its kind 破天荒,首创first kind 第一类,第一种best of its kind 尖子after its kind 按其本性asymptotic model of the first kind 第一类渐进宇宙模型attenuation of th3. A) It is the largest of its kind. B) It is going to be expanded. C) It is displaying more fossil specimens. D) It is staring an online exhibition. 4. A)A collection
work in the arts as adults.Though the study is the first of its kind to ex-plore the impact of teen-specific art programs in muse-ums,it reflects other research oAnd to keep up a steady flow of speech. So the skill of spoken English fluency is a unique skill. The only skill of its kind And so, you can’t learn the skill of spoken English f
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标签: contribute to
12-26 189
地区:内地电视台:cctv10 类型:生活/创意 简介: 《我爱发明》,是中央电视台推出的一档全新的科普节目,它贴近生活、贴近百姓,通过展示发明人的新发明、新创意,将科学知识趣味化、形象化,让观众热爱...
12-26 189
1、首先可以确定是手机的定位问题导致的,先确定定位设置正确,点击手机设置进入。 2、在设置界面点击隐私进入。 3、在隐私界面点击定位服务进入。 4、在定位服务中点击天气进入。 5...
12-26 189
今天央视新闻联播直播主要内容新鲜事: 1.习近平同新西兰总督就中新建交50周年互致贺电 李克强同新西兰总理互致贺电; 2.【新思想引领新征程】乡村振兴迈出坚实步伐; 3.【新时代新征程新伟业】“小...
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