

alone用法及固定搭配 2023-02-06 15:21 827 墨鱼


6. stay alone 一个人呆着7. work alone 独自工作8. go it alone 单干9. stand alone 独一无二;无与伦比10. leave well alone 不要去管它;不要画蛇添足11. leave well enough “一个人的狂欢,一群人的孤单”,alone客观上的一个人,lonely 主观上豪爵孤独。学英语#英语语法#英语#零基础英语#中考英语#初中英语怎么学#英语笔记#英语学习#最野户外照

变形:比较级:aloneer; 最高级:aloneest。扩展资料例句1 、If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.--Jean Paul Sartre 如果你独处时感到寂寞,说明没4. He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone. 他一直都被视为异类,无人理睬,形单影只。来自柯林斯例句5. He was working alone and did not have an accomplic

3. stand alone 孤立;独一无二双语例句1. Please, leave me alone!求求你,别再骚扰我了!2I am not alone in this opinion. 不止是我一个人有这想法。2. I am going to alone:独自的,单独的。可用作adj或者adv。adj. eg.She was alone when she heard the sad news. I choose to be alone. adv. I like living alone. lonely不能用作adv 意思是“孤

∩▽∩ alone作形容词意思是单独的、独自一人、孤单的。alone作副词意思是独自地、仅仅。alone比较级:aloneer,alone最高级:aloneest。alone的短句搭配:be alone是孤独的;feel alone感到孤独alone,那份淡淡的独处感Alone有形容词和副词两种形式,我们只列出形容词1.When you are alone, you are not with any other people. 2.If you say that you are alone or feel alon


标签: alone的用法及短语



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