

plant的反义词 2023-10-24 02:14 384 墨鱼


同义词:flora, plant life, buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles" 同义词:works, industrial plant, someth动词plant:put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground 同义词:setfix or set securely or deeply 同义词:implant, engraft, embed, imbedset up or lay the

plant同义词:factory, mill, plant, works plant同义词辨析:这些名词都有”工厂”之意。factory 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。mill 原义指粮食名词plant: buildings for carrying on industrial labor 同义词:works, industrial plant a living organism lacking the power of locomotion 同义词:flora, plant life so

plant什么意思?有哪些同义词名词(n):1植物。同:scatter broadcast transplant botanice 2工厂。同:work factory company 动词(v):种植同:grow 有区别的plant同义词:factory, mill, plant, works plant同义词辨析:这些名词都有"工厂"之意。factory 最普通用词,可泛指任何制造产品的地方。mill 原义指粮食加工厂。现多指轻工业类的

plantgrowsow【导航词义:种植】plantv.种植〔辨析〕指栽种植物或播种。〔例证〕Spring is the best season to plant trees. 春天是最适合植树的季节。Have you plantedplant(同义词)vegetable precious(同义词)valuable dirty water (同义词)waste water 或:polluted water turn off(反义词组)turn on shop assistant(复数)s

"plant bugs in the dissident's apartment" put firmly in the mind 同义词:implant 学习怎么用词汇搭配用作名词(n.) 动词+~ bed out plant栽种植物cross one plant wiplant的近义词及物动词(vt.):安置的近义词、同义词有:fixsettlerootestablish 其他释义的近义词、同义词有:rootfacilityseedestablishfactorytreevegetablesowinstallsett


标签: making同义词



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