
in the process of造句,threat

stop 2023-10-12 22:26 197 墨鱼

in the process of造句,threat

in the process of 美英na.在…的过程中网络在……的过程中;在…过程中;在进程中英汉网络释义na. 1. 在的过程中释义:全部,在…的过程中,在……的过程中,在…过程4. We're still in the process of moving house. 我们还正在搬著家呢。5. How fast does the new micro process the data? 这新微型计算机处理数据有多快?6. Teaching him

\ _ / in the process of造句1、This process is the inverse process of chain growth stepin the process ofpolymerization. 2、Hezhe peoplein the process ofmoWe are confident that our country will be more powerful and prosperous in the process of relieving poverty. 我们相信我们的国家在扶贫过程中会变得更加强大和繁荣。

>ω< in the process of英语造句,1、The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.政府正在着手逐步废除国有企业。2、The cartistic part of negotiation I think has to do with responding immediately to cues one gets in the process of negotiation.───我认为谈判有艺术性的部分在于人们谈

Orders are starting to backlog faster than we can process them.订单开始形成积压,我们来不及处理。The district attorney processed against the defaul1、in the process of:process的名词意思是“工艺流程”“过程”,转化为动词意思是“加工”“列队行进”,即指对

in the process of的意思是:在…的过程中。造句:In the process, we realize that this is what life is all about.在这个过程中,我们会意识到这就是生活的全部。造句:1.In this We're in the process of selling our house. 我们正在出售自家的住宅。They were in the process of resolving all the unsettled issues. 他们正在解决所有未解决的问题。


标签: threat



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