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10-16 736
wrestling造句 |
1、Why are youscared? 2、I'mscaredof mice. 3、Ooh, I'mscarednow. 4、Understandably, they arescared. 5、He was veryscared. 6、We are reallyscared, no单词sacrifices 例句大全,用单词sacrifices造句:make allsacrifices. 不惜一切牺牲You know about these ancientsacrifices. 你知道这些古老的祭祀Sometimes we must make
⊙▽⊙ 权威造句1. The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is asacredunion. 夫妇俩对婚姻的看法很传统,认为婚姻是神圣的结合。来自柯林斯例句2. The owl issacrscared造句scared造句1. I was scared to walk alone in the dark alley. 2. The little girl was scared of the thunderstorm outside. 3. He was scared to ask his boss
sacred造句复制1、Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything fromsacredburial places to food storageBy allowing the sacred mystery to unfold without trying to tamper with it, we can move through anything with much more ease and simplicity. 让恐惧的迷雾散开,不要
scared英语造句,1、Look how scared he is.看看他有多害怕。2、Then, scared out of his wits, he took to his heels.然后,他吓得要命,拔腿跑掉了。sacredly的造句和例句:1. My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the god 侄女郑重地给神供上一块馅饼2. Just like a sad fairy tale, only it is remote and tr
sacred: 指由于是献给上帝或神的事物,因而是神圣的,不容亵渎;也指被普遍视为神圣不可侵犯的东西。divine: 指来源于神或神有关,侧重神性;在现代英语中指绝妙或非人世所有的事13、It is Indians'sacredplace for worship. 14、notsacredor concerned with religion. 15、concerned with secular rather thansacredmatters. 16、thesacr
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标签: profit造句
推特账号购买网站 购买2023年推特账号2元,请点击此处红色字体即可跳转店铺,或者点击文章上方图片也可以进入网站平台。 twitter怎么看18内容? 首先进入twitter账...
10-16 736
1、支付宝 可直接在微信付款码界面,选择乘车码之后,在“全部卡片”当中选择开通厦门公交移动支付码,随后返回到付款码-乘车码页面,确认页面是在厦门公交乘车码时,可以在上车时直接将...
10-16 736
关于思维转换获得成功的作文素材篇 1: 在德国,有一个造纸工人在生产纸时,比小心弄错了配方,生产 出了一批不能书写的废纸。因而,他被老板解雇。 正在他灰心丧气、愁眉不展时,...
10-16 736
1 首先,打开迅雷下载软件 2 第二,打开迅雷偏好设置 3 第三,选择浏览器设置,我们会看到“浏览器扩展”4 第四,safari后面有个“安装”按钮,点击按钮弹出安装扩展窗口,安装即可 ...
10-16 736
囫囵怎么读_身陷囫囵 身陷囫囵来自热点推荐。 身陷囫囵第1篇 身陷囫囵是囹圄的错误用法。 身陷囹圄释义:失去人身自由,正在监牢里受苦。 指不幸的人蒙冤关进监狱;有时也指好人...
10-16 736