
major district翻译,主要与大的区别

elevate翻译 2023-10-17 16:41 107 墨鱼

major district翻译,主要与大的区别

major events. As the national cultural center, Beijing has gained more strength and appeal with the establishment of the general framework of “a hisThe major objectives for economic and social development for the whole district this year: Our GDP in 2014 shall reach 355 billion yuan with an increase rate of 1

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 将“old city district"翻译成中文老城区,老城區是“old city district"到中文的最佳翻译。译文示例:Generally, Sanaʽa is divided into two parts: the Old City Di奇人译major即将到来,现在你可以支持你喜欢的战队了。现在你可以购买2021年入场券,队伍印花胶囊,和队伍布章。收益的50%将用于支持比赛战队和组织本次major 入场券有了入场券,你

网络主要地区公路网络释义1. 主要地区公路邦级公路( State Highways)主要地区公路(Major District Roads) 市级和村级道路( urban, village and Panchayat roads)4. 句子翻译子句-1 The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years. 多年以来,参加主要职业运动的运动员的身材发生了显著变化

major的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义adj.(形容词) 较多的,较大的,较优的主要的,重要的,重大的成年的,年长的较大范围的一流的主修英文单词:Major District Road 缩写词中文简要解释:主要地区道路中文拼音:zhǔ yào dì qū dào lù 缩写词流行度:2213 缩写词分类:Governmental 缩写词领

以下是我整理的英文简历的翻译,以供大家参考。英文简历的翻译一:Name: miss Nationality: China The current residence: Haizhuqu District Nationality: Han Household regist百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津柯林斯词典development 频次1 N-UNCOUNT 发展;成长;发育;生长;形成Development is the gradual growth or formation of


标签: 主要与大的区别



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