凡星音乐 关注 流行歌曲钢琴电子琴简谱编配《走进新时代》 #钢琴简谱#电子琴简谱#走进新时代 2021-12-29 共10+ 条评论 登录查看更多评论
12-21 462
Stare造句 |
1, struggle v. 挣扎,努力,奋斗struggle to do sth She struggled to control her temper.她努力控制住她的脾气。He struggled to break free.他挣扎着力图摆脱。Many family st1.He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气.2.They should therefore unite to struggle together.因此,他们要联合起来,共同努力奋斗.3.He gav
单词struggle 例句大全,用单词struggle造句:struggleagainst oppression. 反压迫斗争A hardstrugglelooms ahead. 一场苦斗迫在眉捷。struggleagainst tax evasion. 反对偷1、struggledesperatel 2、Every classstruggleis a politicalstruggle. 3、Success throughstruggle 4、Theystrugglefor "Life"! 5、Westruggletogether. 6、
9、A strong man willstruggle withthe storms of fate. 10、Prosperity or adversity, life is an endless struggle against all kinds of difficulties, astr▼struggle的常用短语struggle against (v.+prep.) struggle along1 (v.+adv.) struggle along2 (v.+prep.) struggle for (v.+prep.) struggle in (v.+prep.) struggle on (
3) struggle v to make great efforts e.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy. I’m struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me. 4)struggle造句1、On theStrugglebetween the Monarchy and Parliament in Early Stuart 斯图亚特王朝早期议会与王权的斗争2、Thestruggleof the weak against their oppress
life is struggle的造句和例句:1. Life is struggle everything in the world is in constant struggle , struggle in the sense of competition in natural selection amonstruggle造句复制1、How did she manage tostrugglefree ?(她是如何设法逃脱的? 2、This age-oldstrugglefor control had led to untold bloody wars.(这种由来已久的对控
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标签: equip造句简单
凡星音乐 关注 流行歌曲钢琴电子琴简谱编配《走进新时代》 #钢琴简谱#电子琴简谱#走进新时代 2021-12-29 共10+ 条评论 登录查看更多评论
12-21 462
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蒲公英表现了坚韧不拔的精神。 因为蒲公英对环境的适应能力很强,而且生命力也很顽强,而且蒲公英的种子一般随风传播,不管风将蒲公英的种子带到什么地方,其种子都可以生根发芽,所以蒲...
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