

Halfway造句简单 2023-03-14 18:06 626 墨鱼


7、There is a companydownstairs. 8、I will meet youdownstairs. 9、The Ticketing Office isdownstairs. 10、There were two mendownstairs. 11、They wentdownstairs造句相关知识点:解析She was slid downstairs by his push. 她被他一推滑倒,跌到了楼下.Go down and see what they are doing downstairs. 下去看看他们在楼下

4、Go downstairs with me to have lunch.和我一起下楼去吃午饭。5、She was ill and stayed in the downstairs bedroom for a whole day她病了,在楼下的卧室里呆了一整天。Come downstairs 不要往楼下扔东西Don\'t throw things downstairs 去楼下Go downstairs 下楼吃饭Go downstairs for dinner 住楼下Live downstairs

⊙▽⊙ 10、go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼11、the lights) go out (灯)熄了Have have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会have a football match (basketba【文章摘要】优选网告诉你英语单词downstairs是什么意思,downstairs的翻译,downstairs的读音,downstairs的用法,downstairs同/反义词,含义音标以及英文造句等内

7.Go down and see what they are doing downstairs. 下去看看他们在楼下干什么。8.He loves (to go) angling on a fine summer day. 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂81.The children made a loud noisedownstairs. 孩子们在楼下大声喧哗。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(14)差评() 82.Godownstairswith me to have lunch. 和我一起下楼去

We haven't painted the downstairs yet. 我们还没有给楼下刷漆。The whole downstairs needs repainting. 楼下全层需要重新粉刷。He fell downstairs and broke his wrist16、You don't have to pull out yourstationery. 17、There is astationerystore downstairs. Because the pens in otherstationerystores are easy to write,


标签: 用down造句子小学



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