

亲子日常英语情景对话 2023-10-15 23:43 491 墨鱼


两人简单英语对话短文1 A:What happened?发生了什么事?B:I don't know.我不知道。A:Let's stop and have a look.我们停下来去看看吧。B:Don't waste time.别儿童英语口语简单对话篇1 Sophie: Does your mother work? Billy: Yes,she does. Sophie: What does your mother do? Billy: She's a dentist. Billy: What about your mother? Sop

(`▽′) 儿童英语两人对话短文1 How old are they? 他们多大了?Ask: How old are they? Answer: They are 1 years old. Ask: How old are you Hootty? Answer: I am 2 years old. As两人简短英语对话短文篇一A:What a wonderful sight! 多么神奇的景色啊!B:Yes. I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down here to relax. 是的

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o(╯□╰)o 两人简单的英语对话短文篇一A:Would you please put that cigarette out? I get sick on it. B:You do? OK, fine with me. A:Thank you so much. B:But I als小学简单英语小故事短文英语对话短文两人简单小学简单英语小故事短文英语对话短文两人简单故事文学素材应用于英语教学也越来越普遍,故事正逐渐被视为英语教学的

英语简单对话两人20句英语对话短文两人10两人10句英语对话短文一jenny:hello,officer,mugging.您好,警官,我被抢了,要报案。policeman:pleasetellmewhenhappened2简单两人英语口语对话篇一Jack: What's up? Molly: Not much at all. Jack: What fun facts are we going to learn today? Molly: We are going to learn about sports. Jack: I


标签: 初中英语对话短文两人



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