

与外国人寒暄的常用语 2023-10-15 10:35 385 墨鱼


英语口语对话实例Every day Greetings 日常问候Sally: Good morning Mike. 莎莉:早上好,迈克。Mike: Morning, Sally. What's up? You seem in a hurry. 迈克:早上好,莎莉。怎么了Mary:I’m not really sure.Maybe,I’ll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don’t be silly.The army isn’t just about killing th 分析总结

三、HOW TO REPLY GREEINGS 如何回复问候?1.I'm good. 我很好2. Pretty good. 挺不错3. Great/ wonderful. 很不错4. I'm OK. 我挺好的5. Not too bad. 不算太坏英语朋友问候对话1 1. Nice to meet you, Li Lan. 很高兴认识你,李岚。Nice to meet you, Wu Min. 很高兴认识你,吴敏。Nice to meet you, Wang Juan. 很高兴认识你,王娟。

 ̄□ ̄|| 最简单的英语问候对话篇1 W: Hi Fengfeifeng What is the matter with you ? you look so bad . F: I have a cold . W: oh I think you need to see the doctor . F:I think 零基础英语Cassie 关注日常英语口语对话,问候greating 朋友见面用英语问候,打招呼2022-02-18 共2 条评论登录查看更多评论

1 礼貌问候I hope you had a good weekend. 希望您度过了一个愉快的周末。Hope you had a nice break. 希望您有一个愉快的休息。I hope you are well. 希望您一切都好。I hope 第一篇:常见互相问候的英语用语Background: Two old friends who don’t see each other for a long time meet by accident.场景:两位好久不见友人之间互相问候的情景B: Good,R:

ˋ△ˊ B:Aren't you coming in with me?你不和我一起去吗?A:No. I want you to try this yourself.不。我要你自己试看看英语对话非常重要,基本上英语对话都是要多人参与同时进行的,还有一问一答的英语情景交流,所以我们在平时的训练过程中要试图用大脑迅速反应和进行英语思考,不要


标签: 10种打招呼的英语



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