
focus a camera翻译,polar的意思

adjustable 2023-10-07 23:38 721 墨鱼

focus a camera翻译,polar的意思

●△● 【摘要】对焦的英文:Photography] to set a camera; to focus a camera参考例句:A defect of vision prevented him from focusi 对焦的英文:[Photography] to set a camera; to f将“to focus (a camera)"翻译成中文对焦,對焦是“to focus (a camera)"到中文的最佳翻译。译文示例:The world needs to focus on making agricultural production ea

a以国际视野造城Makes the city by the international field of vision[translate] acamera focus 照相机焦点[translate]focus a camera 使照相机对焦focus your eyes 集中目光shift your focus 转移注意力come into focus 清晰起来【历年真题】As you make reading a regular

1. 聚焦镜头5.聚焦镜头(Focus Camera),按下后镜头会回到正在操作的那种虫子那里. 6.移动镜头(Move Camera),按下后,可以用导航键的方…tieba.baidu|基于6个网页2. 焦One must focus the camera before taking a picture. 拍照之前先要对焦距。graticule =reticule,reticle (观景片或对焦屏)标线My camera have automatic focus. 我的相机

1. in focus : 焦点对准;2. out of focus : 焦点没对准的,模糊不清的;focus 相关例句及物动词1. focus 1. This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to focus tfocus a camera on sb/sth 镜头对准,聚焦The TV cameras were focused on her face. 电视镜头对准了她的脸。bodycon dress 紧身裙She left an impression on


标签: polar的意思



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