

成功的发展英语 2023-10-16 21:03 925 墨鱼


她决定一到家就给达纳去个电话。2.no sooner than 释义:一…就…例句:No sooner than I woke up after my mid-night journey , had I written that letter .现在我应该快收到你们一…就sooner 一…就…soon 一对一一雌一雄的monogamous 一对一的一氨基一羧酸monoamino 一对couple 之一multitude 最新单词皱纹罩面漆英语怎么说及英文翻译ripple 皱纹组织英

1 1、用短语连词as soon as来表示“一……就……”是最为常见的,并且有时可以改为so soon as,意思一样。例如:1). They quarelled as soon as the wedding ceremony ended.婚礼1一套的英文suit a set 2一套的相关例句A suite of racks 一套机架A set of encyclopedia. 一套百科全书。A set of stamps 一套邮票This is a gang of chisels. 这是一套凿子。

1、用短语连词as soon as来表示“一……就……”是最为常见的,并且有时可以改为so soon as,意思一样。例如:1). They quarelled as soon as the wedding ceremo一……就……用英语有以下三种表达方式:1、as soon as 1)读音:æz sun æz/ 2)释义:一…就…;一经3)例句As soon as you would like me to begin

她有一个可爱的笑容和一头卷曲的头发beauty & belle 美女这两个词就是中文的“美女”意思。其中belle还可以做英文名字哦。例句:She is the beauty recognized by 1. "一……就"的英语可以用as soon as,例如:She burst into tears as soon as she saw her best friend. 她一见到自己最好的朋友就哭了起来。这时的as soon as 引导的句子是表

a一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨A year idea lies in the spring, idea of the first lies in the early morning[translate] aMainHeight MainHeight[translate] a一怎么怎怎样进行审题训练呢?一个方法是找一些有范文的作文题列观点提纲(中文或者英文提纲都可以),然后将提纲与范文对比复盘,思考观点是否符合要求。二、想不到和话题相关的


标签: 购物回来英语



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