
handle in,handle用法及词组

handle by 2023-10-17 14:08 509 墨鱼
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handle in,handle用法及词组

Examples of handle in a Sentence Noun He held the shovel by the handle. The handles on the bag were torn. Verb See More Recent Examples on the Web Noun T【考点】词义辨析【精析】B handle:处理,应付,为及物动词,handle一般不与in 搭配使用:hand in:提交,上交(光指书面材料或失物);hand:交,递,常用于“hand sth. t

╯^╰ handle: 从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。英语解释:名词handle: the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use orhand in 美英na.交进网络交上;上交;递交第三人称单数:hands in现在分词:handing in过去式:handed in 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 交进,交上例句释义:全部,交进,交上,上

⊙△⊙ 1.Thehandleof his hunting knife was neatly carved . 猎刀柄雕工精美。2.He groped for the doorhandlein the dark . 他在暗中摸索着找门把手。3.It became fragile and in hand 在手头,现有的;在进行中,考虑中的by hand adv.用手相似单词hand n. 1. 手2.(钟表等的)指针3. 人手,员工4. 有手艺(技能)的人5. 帮助,援助6.(脊椎动物的)前脚7.(鹰等鸟类的)爪8

Customers are asked not tohandlethe goods in the shop. 请顾客不要触摸商店里的货物。Pick up the typewriter case by thehandle. 抓住把手,把打字机箱子拿起来。词形变handlein和dealin他们不同在于:当你想说“这件事我可以”的时候,如果用handle就会说“Icanhandlethisthing"但是如


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