

用at造五个短句子 2023-04-06 10:47 770 墨鱼


at造句1、When you meet the right one at the wrong time, you are doomed to sigh for whole life.错的时间,遇见对的人,是一生叹息。2、She stood up and looked at him s用at造句相关知识点:解析at[英][ət][美][æt,ət]prep.(表示位置)在;在(某时间或时刻); 以,达;向,朝;n.阿特(老挝辅币单位,100 阿特= 1 基普); (1)间点、刻等:They c

˙0˙ ·at a quarter to six ②用于时刻前·at noon/night/midnight(半夜) ·at sunrise(日出时) ·at dusk(黄昏) ·at dawn/daybreak (黎明) eg:We will leave at daybreak.我们将在黎at造句1. I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time. 我很抱歉在这个时候打扰你。2. She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院

>▂< 41、at+点时间+具体过去时间里造句:42、IwaswatchingTVat7pm.yesterday.我昨天晚上7点钟在看电视。43、Yourbigmomentisathand.你的重大时刻即将到来。44、T用begoodat造句,be good at,意思是擅长干某事。I am good at playing soccer.我在踢足球方面很擅长;He is good at swimming.他很擅长游泳;My mother is good at cooking.我妈妈擅长

at best 造句1. At best, I can finish this project by the end of the week if everything goes smoothly. 2. At best, the weather forecast predicts a 50% chance of r1、用作时间状语:At noon, the sun is usually at its highest point in the sky.在正午,太阳通常位于天空的最高点。2、用于描述某些活动的时间:I have a meeting at noon o

⊙▂⊙ 你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!用at造句:He rests at home.他在家休息。I picked Lucy up at the airport yesterday.我昨天在机场接了露西。1、At--atBelle Watling's?" 2、atsunrise;atdaybreak;atdawn 3、At whattime, Sir? 4、andatBilhah, andatEzem, andatTolad," 5、At last we arrivedatthe v


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