
stand sb,stand doing的用法与搭配

stand 2023-05-22 04:55 105 墨鱼

stand sb,stand doing的用法与搭配

释义stand sb up (infml 口) fail to keep an appointment with sb 未如约与某人见面First she agreed to come out with me, then she stood me up. 她先是同意跟我出去,後支持某人做某事/支持某事

stand no nonsense 受不了无聊的东西stand one's dignity 摆架子,要人尊重stand one's friends 袒护朋友,帮助朋友stand one's ground 坚持己见stand sb's song 忍受某人stand firm,strong stand adv.+v. patiently stand 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义stand 显示所有例句v. 站立;直立on feet/be vertical 1. [i] 站立;立;直立to be on you

放鸽子,汉语词语,本义指放飞白鸽,象征和平。后来网络出现了不遵守诺言的引申义。现多指定下约定而不赴约的不诚信一意。在英语中,常用短语动词stand sb up 来表示放鸽子。StandStand sb. up放某人(尤指恋人)鸽子人类的本质“鸽子精”用英文怎么说?你还在用"gugugu"吗?著名的哲学家和思想家马克思曾提出关于人类本质的三命题,当代“网

>▽< can't bear sth./can't bear to do sth./can't bear sb. doing sth can't stand sth./can't stand doing/ca1、stand with(v.+prep.) 同…相处,和…站在一起have a specified relationship with sb/sth; agree with sb/sth Do you stand well with your boss?你同上司相处得好吗?2

❶stand[stænd] v. 搁置stand sb. up放某人鸽子(适用于男女朋友间) bail[bel] v. 保释bail on sb.对某人失约(适用于任何人物间) ❷ lonely[ˈloʊnli] adj. 孤独的,寂寞的alonstand sb up 美英un.给…许多好处;失约网络让某人空等一场;放鸽子;放某人鸽子英汉网络释义un. 1. 给…许多好处2. 失约,不守约让…空等,叫…空等一场


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