

幼儿英语感叹句造句 2023-08-02 13:01 148 墨鱼


?▽? ①、How beautifulshe is! (女主)她多漂亮啊!②、How handsomethe man is! (男主)这个男人多帅啊!③、How quicklyhe rides a horse! 他骑马多快啊!请观察上面3个例句和前面What英语感叹句全面例句1、That' s the best / worst of it! 那最好(糟)了!2、I dare you to say that again! 我谅你不敢说那话!3、It was mean of you to eat all the peache

英语感叹句经典练习题1 一、选择题1. ___ delicious the dish is! A. What B. How C. What a 2. ___ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B. What C个英语教学中的感叹句一、引言感叹句常用来表示说话人的强烈感情,如欢乐、兴奋、惊奇、愤慨、悲伤等。这种句子一般是以what或how开头的,what修饰后面的名词,

③感叹句式How much better our life will be if we try to love each other.(用于表达美好祝愿)20 Calm down 冷静一点A: Calm down. It’s not such a big deal. B: You won’t understand. 21 Thank you. 谢谢A: You are beautiful! B: Thank you. 22 Y

1、Isn' t she a dear!她岂不是个可爱的人!2、Isn' t the wind strong!多强的风啊!3、Don' t the roses smell sweet!多芳香的玫瑰花!4、Didn' t he do well!他做得多好啊!例句:太阳无语,却放射光辉;高山无语,却体现巍峨;大地无语,却展示广博。仿句:;;。20.仿照例句“假如生命是?,不要?,要?”的句式,写一个类似的句子,不超过30个字。例句:假如生

1. Ask students to listen to the tape and find the main idea.2. Listen again and find ___3、以副词here、there、in 开头的感叹句Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了There they are! 他们在那儿呢4、否定疑问句用作感叹词时,意义是肯定的;但肯定疑问句用作感叹句在美语


标签: 感叹句英语句子举例15个



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