
fallen into,falling into 的例句

falling tone 2023-10-16 10:48 210 墨鱼
falling tone

fallen into,falling into 的例句

参考词典中fall into的常规释义:基本释义v.落入,陷于(混乱,错误等),注入,开始,分成,属于参考例句The anchor fell plump into the sea.锚直落入海里He has fallen infallen into:分成,开始;变成;陷入。词组:fallen into desrepute 声名扫地。law fallen into desu

≥ω≤ fallen into的用法和样例:例句Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute. 自从发生了这件丑闻,该校名声大为下降。The castle has [直译] 陷入[详尽释义] 1. 陷入FALLEN INTO是什么意思?以上就是FALLEN INTO的含义解释和发音。最近查询] 姓名详批八字精批八字财运八字改名姻缘分析八字合婚宝宝起名五行缺什么

falleninto发音意思翻译法列尼托相似词语短语chapfallen in a sentence───查普福尔fallen order───堕落的秩序befallen means───降临手段and when he fall网络变成第三人称单数:falls into现在分词:falling into过去式:fell into过去分词:fallen into 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 开始2. 分成,分解(成几部分) 3. 陷入(网等)中;陷

Fall into a habit的意思是“养成习惯”,“陷入习惯性行为中”。它通常用来描述一个人经常做某件事情,已经成为一种习惯或惯例。例如:- She has fallen into the habit of s10. Without warning, Bardo smacked his fist into his open hand. 巴多没有任何预兆地一拳砸在自己摊开的手掌上. 11. The bus is said to have over-turned and fallen int


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