

draw cartoon造句 2022-12-23 07:49 122 墨鱼
draw cartoon造句


dance 造句/ 例句1.Danceis a very theatrical art. 舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。《牛津词典》2. The nextdancewill be a waltz. 接下来是华尔兹舞。《牛津词典》dance造句1、Time is flowing quietly, seasonal replace with winter such as hydrophobic scenery, dance slowly.时间在悄无声息地流淌,季节的更替随着冬天的如疏风景,缓缓

单词dance 例句大全,用单词dance造句:After the military, he became adanceteacher and executive in thedanceschool industry. 退伍后,他成为一所舞蹈学校的舞蹈教师和行MuDance的句子更多

dancehall造句1年前英语查看7 回答1 请用句型I like music that.造句,例如I like music that Icandanceto 1年前英语查看11 回答2 sing,swin,dance,draw,play chess造句11、Dance is performed for various purposes like ceremonialdance, eroticdance, performancedance, socialdanceetc. 2、弟弟一会逗人高兴一会儿惹人生气,总

dance造句:1、She would be sure to make a song and dance about her aching feet. 她肯定会因为脚痛而大惊小怪2、They had to execute their dance steps (动词)dance, jump/leap with joy, feel a surge of joy/ excitement, whistle, overcome with happiness/ delight /joy / excitement, (one's eyes) twinkle,


标签: playbasketbaIl造句简单的



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