

问性格怎么问用英语 2023-02-12 02:39 444 墨鱼


1询问人的外貌和性格问外貌:What do you look like? What's your appearance? 问性格:What are you like? What's your charactor? 外貌:appearance;exterior;looks;aspect color;6. 内向害羞:introverted and shy 7. 乐观:optimistic 8. 悲观:pessimistic 9. 心地善良:kind 10. 聪明伶俐:smart 11. 普普通通:normal (特殊的:special) 你学废了吗?#英语学习#

一、用英语问某人的品质?① 用英语问某人的性格品质用What is sb like? 句型,侧重于性格特征,意思是他性格(人品)怎么样?例如,What is she like? She is car问性格特点英语对话Paul: What do you think of your personality? Mr. Li: I am quite alive and energetic. I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things. Pau

Hello,大家好,欢迎来到地道英语口语,今天给大家分享描述性格的英语口语干货内容,带你掌握安静害羞,活泼开朗等表描述性格的英语口语表达!1. 活泼开朗outgoing In reality, I'm a r询问外貌的三种英语句型如下:1、Whats his/her look?他/她看起来怎么样?2、What does he/she look like?他/她看起来怎么样?3、How does he/she look like?他/她

>0< What is sb.like ?it is +adj.+of sb +to do sth.写性格,品质kind, good nice ,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish 等。It is+adj+for sb +to do sth. 对物的评价difficult,easy

1、描述性格请用以下的问句询问某人的性格。A:What’s she like? 她看起来怎么样?B:She’s hardworking.她很勤奋。A:What are they like? 他们看起来怎么faithful 守信的,忠诚的  forceful (性格)坚强的  frank 直率的,真诚的  friendly 友好的  frugal 俭朴的  generous 宽宏大量的  genteel 有教养的  gentle 有礼貌


标签: 问天气的英语句型



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