

may用于什么句 2023-10-18 18:50 641 墨鱼


may的过去式例句1. I thought you might like to read the enclosed. 我想你或许想要读一下信封里的内容。2. Today I might hesitate to turn in a burglar. 现在让我把入Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you. 有时候看上去好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。There may be moms all over the world, but you're the only one tha

表命令■典型例句Hands off! 不要摸!Go there right away. 马上去那儿。Nobody move. 任何人都不许动。Stand over there. 站到那边去。Drop that gun, or I’ll shoot you. 放★ May I borrow your book please? ★ 我可以借你的书吗?Yes, you may. / No, you may not/mustn’t(语气更强).通常情况下,作肯定回答,直接回答YES就可以了,后面的YOU MAY往往

例句:In comes Mr. Smith. Out went the children. Down flew the eagle to seize the chicken. 说明:⑴ 表地点、时间或方位的副词位于句首时不用于进行时态。⑵ 表地点、时间或方3、一生一世,简简单单,我们不要想得太多,不要有更多的烦恼,只要活得精彩,过得幸福,什么都不能顺利度过,现在,给你送去祝福,祝愿你工作顺利,开开心心。4、日子和

╯^╰〉 T总整理了很久,从4个情景为大家解释+例句:1. 表示:某事有可能may,might,could都可以例:The house may/might/could be very old. 这房子可能很旧了2. 表示:这是真的,但另一个也表建议(可和as well 连用) You may(might)as well stay where you are. 你还是原地待着好。may as well 有“还是……的好”的含义) 例句:1. They may headhunt her for the vacant

例句:Recently,the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter. 例句翻wish例句1、They wish to limit the power of the State. 他们希望限制政府权力。2、I wish to God you'd learn to pay attention! 我真希望你能学会集中注意力!3、You may do a


标签: 表示祝福的时间



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