

用hurry造句 2023-10-15 21:12 389 墨鱼


apart from造句1、setapart fromother such things. 2、Nobody should standapart fromthe people. 3、I've finishedapart fromthe last question. 4、The bapart造句复制1、He stood with his legs wideapart.(他站在那里,两腿叉開。2、We had to take the engineapart.(我们不得不卸下引擎。3、The book just cameapartin m

单词apart 例句大全,用单词apart造句:Difficultiesapart, Kirby has achieved her aim. 撇开重重困难不谈,科尔比终究实现了她的目标。Difficultiesapart, Kirby has achiead.1.分开地,有距离地[(+from)]He lives apart from his family.他与家人不住在一起.At that time we were never apart.那时我们从不分开.2.相间隔地Their houses

1. John's ability to speak multiple languages sets him apart from his colleagues and makes him a valuable asset to the company. 2. Her unique fashion sense and st..e apart破碎,裂开fall apart破裂;破碎,崩溃pullapart分开,拉开,拆散ripapart撕开,摧毁,毁坏,猛烈评击setapart1) 留出,拨出2) 使与众不同,使

≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 5、Apart from that, it is hard to find fault with the city.除了这些,很难找到这个城市的缺点。6、I've finished apart from the last question.除了最后一道题,我全做完apart造句1. She felt so sad that she had to live apart from her family. 2. They had been together for years, but now they were forced to be apart. 3. The couple

2、Gatsby's dream fallsapart. 3、Their ambitions fallapart. 4、always together foreverapart. 5、We're livingapartnow. 6、Then things started fallingWe're livingapartnow. 我们现在不住在一起。牛津词典Over the years, Rosie and I had driftedapart. 多年以来,我和罗西早已疏远。牛津词典She keeps herselfapartfrom


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