
吓死我了 英文,注意点的英文

顺利吗 英文 2023-10-14 10:43 592 墨鱼
顺利吗 英文

吓死我了 英文,注意点的英文

05、“你吓死我了”英文怎么说?口语中经常用creep sb out 来表达“吓着某人;使人感到害怕”creep [kriːp] 常指人或四足动物匍匐爬行特别是偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行由此引“吓死我了”英语怎么说?保证吓你一大跳1.scare the hell out of me 吓坏了hell out of me(连读) I hate pranks. Last night, John scared the hell out of me with his creepy ma

●ω● 稍微词儿多一点的是“I'm freaked out”or“You scared me”那么,“吓死我了”有哪些地道的英文表达呢?1.You scared me. scare表示“惊吓、使害怕”。例句:Itscared meto think I was alone in the building. 想到楼

你吓死我了。5. pull strings运用关系(源于“拉木偶的线”) He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会01、“吓死我了”用英语怎么说?因为scared作形容词表示:“惊吓的,受惊的”,所以美剧里最常见的表达是:You scared me! 例句:Why did you hide behind the doo

>△< 为了迎合这个恐怖的节日气氛,今天,我们就来说说英语中是如何表达“吓死我了”这句话的。1.Youscaredme!你吓死我了!2.Iamfreakedout!吓死我了!3.Iamfrightenedoutofmywits有时候感觉被吓死了要可以这样说↓ I'm scared to death! 例句:A large dog was chasing after me. I was scared to death! 一只大狗追着我跑,吓死我了!/// 以前,我们一直学的

1.吓死了:scared to death2.吓得毛发倒立:to make one's hair stand on end3.吓得浑身冰凉:to make one's blood run cold2012来了!气候变态了,名人”登船“了,难道世界末日(d“你把我吓死了”英语怎么说?You scared me to death:你吓死我了。You scared me to death, you mangy thing.你吓死我了,你这个肮脏的东西。mangy:患疥癣的;污秽的;糟糕的。Yo


标签: 注意点的英文



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