
be off the hook,in person review

headmistress 2023-10-16 10:08 532 墨鱼

be off the hook,in person review

be off the hook发音意思翻译摆脱困境脱身没放好相似词语短语off the hook───摆脱困境;脱身;未挂上;摆脱困境off the hook for───脱钩hook───vi.钩住;弯网络释义1. 没挂好E-Sopranos: 九月2008 poser 装模作样的人be off the hook(电话)没挂好uncontrollably 无法控制地e-sopranos.blogspot|基于2个网页例句

⊙﹏⊙ off the hook 摆脱困境,脱身hook 指的是钩,或者钓鱼时的鱼钩,如果鱼咬钩了,然后又摆脱了钩跑掉了,那么这个表达就引申为“摆脱困境,脱身”Though we are letting you off th产生年代近代成语成语辨析成语辨形成语正音英语翻译be off the hooks 日语翻译俄语翻译更多翻译歇后语成语谜语成语故事成语例句成语用法作谓语、定

例句2:Security officials would also be off the hook.负责安全的官员们也应该能摆脱责任。例句3:I'll let you off the hook this time, but don't do that again.这次不罚你,下次不要这样干#英语词汇#off the hook 用来表示摆脱困境、麻烦、债务、责任等。通常作补语;常与动词get,be等连用。例如The children had grown up; their parents felt that they were now of

今天和大家分享一个在美剧出现的高频口语词组be off the hook,我们一起来学习下相关的英语句子吧👉 1⃣️You’re off the hook now. 你已经摆脱困境了。2⃣️let sb off the hook●Hook是钩子的意思●Off the hook脱钩,其实就是脱身,或是摆脱责任的意思这回你明白了吧,不用在小师妹的婚礼上讲话让我如释重负就可以说,I am off the hook. Off the hook, 这个


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