

adjustment例句 2023-10-15 10:48 454 墨鱼


例句:The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery. 警方经长时间调查,结果凶手的身分仍全然不知。identity常用词汇英[aɪ'dentəti] 美[aɪ'dentəti] 释义用例词组更多n. 一致;身份;特征释义常用度分布图下载海词词典查看双解释义n. (名词) [U][C]身份who o

o(?""?o 2、A great guy and the identity of this franchise right now 一个好人,他是现在这支球队的代表。3、The relationship between identity and performance is just the samidentity的相关例句:11.The police established theidentityof the dead man by a process of elimination. 警方通过排除法查明了死者的身份。12.The police has no clue t

单词identity 例句大全,用单词identity造句:Do you have any proof ofidentity? 你有身分证明吗?What is the applicationidentity? 什么是应用程序标识?Dangling ofIdentiidentity 身份,一致ident-,一样,ity,名词后缀。引申词义身份,一致等。identity 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释It hides their identity when commi

1、In this paper, an important combinatorial identity is obtained by means of the formal power series.本文运用形式幂级数的技巧,证明了一个重要的组合恒等式。2、A gidentity 基本解释名词身份;[逻]同一性;个性;[数]恒等(式)identity 相关例句名词1. The identity of the fingerprints on the gun proved that he was the killer. 留

identity 显示所有例句n. 1. [c][u] 身份;本身;本体who or what sb/sth is 2. [c][u] 特征;特有的感觉(或信仰)the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish 17、Even worse, wrapper classes breakidentity. 18、Configureidentityextraction on message flows. 19、ESB enforces security on end-useridentity. 20、


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