

snowy造句 2023-10-14 10:26 513 墨鱼


1、Warm &fine, ratherwindy. 2、Today's awindyday. 3、It's awindycity. 4、It's awindyday. 5、It's prettywindyout there. 6、No. It is alwayswindy. 7、windy造句1. The windy weather made it difficult to walk outside without holding onto something. 2. The kite soared high in the windy sky, dancing with the gusts

单词windy 例句大全,用单词windy造句:Windyor breezy. 刮风的,有风的。It's cool andwindy. 天气凉爽有风。No.It is alwayswindy. 不,老刮风。windypropaganda blitz 假用windy造句1. The windy weather made it difficult to walk outside. 2. The kite soared high in the windy sky. 3. The leaves rustled in the windy breeze. 4. The wi

windy造句复制1、It's a bitwindy, isn't it?(是不是有点起风了? 2、windyTrend Linked to Global Warming?(多风的趋势与气候变暖有关吗? 3、When it'swindy, I fly a kite.(当天刮风的时候,windy英语造句,1、It can be quite windy on the hills.山上的风就是那么大。2、Windy or breezy.刮风的,有风的3、DIMITRI: It's often windy

╯^╰〉 百度试题结果1 题目用windy造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析The winter was cold, wet, and windy. 那冬天又冷、又潮,加上多风.反馈收藏windy造句"windy"是什么意思He spoke in a very rare andwindyway . 他说话十分古怪,夸夸其谈。One spring it was verywindyand dusty here 有一年春天这里风沙很大。


标签: europe造句简单



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