
have a wonderful time,making a plan

take sb for 2023-10-16 10:22 769 墨鱼
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have a wonderful time,making a plan

1.What a wonderful time!WhataWonderfulTime!Lead-in Whatdidyoudoinyourwinterholiday?Paidnewyearvisittotheeldersthengotnewyeargiftmoney.Setoff/watchedfireworksorfirecrackers.Visi结果一题目have a wonderful time+doing还是to do 答案doing 这是因为前面省了个in介词后面要接v-ing 形式请采纳,不懂追问*^__^* 谢谢!相关推荐1have a wonderful time+d

>▂< have a wonderful time 每日打卡10分钟,词汇量将突破极限。词表可中英文自测,通过游戏轻松加深记忆。从四六级到托福、GRE词汇,词典中有海量例句和视频。单词本…have a whave a wonderful time信息详情意思翻译玩得快活极了相似词语短语wonderful───adj.极好的,精彩的,绝妙的;奇妙的;美妙;胜;神妙a wonderfultrip───一次美妙的旅行h

2. What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语! 2、How引导的感叹句。how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!本句中wonderful timhave a wonderful time是什么意思,have a wonderful time的解释:玩得快活极了.,have a wonderful time中英例句,英汉词典。

have a wonderful time=have a great time=have a good time=enjoy oneself 意为“玩得开心,过得愉快”例句:I had a wonderful time during the May Day.=I en 喝个痛快: drink one's fill玩个痛快:have a wonderful time这个澡洗得真痛快。 I had a very refreshing bath. nciku|基于47个网页更多释义例句下载


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