
in total,in total的例句

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in total,in total的例句

intotal基本解释,总计,同近intotal相关例句和用法Therewereprobablyabout40peoplethereintotal.#.总共可能有40人左右。intotal英英释义总共1. Due to a power blackout their hotel was in total darkness. 由于停电,他们的宾馆一片漆黑。2. In total, 200 people were interviewed. 总计有200人被采访。3. During the

intotal怎么读?intotal是什么意思,读作[in-tuh-tl],是一个由两个部分组成的单词,前缀“in”表示“内部”,后缀“total”表示“总数”。因此,intotal的意思是“总数内部的”。用在不同的场合中,in total都有着不同的用法。下面将详细介绍in total的不同用法及其相关例句。一、表示总数1. 表示数量总和当需要表示一系列数量的总和时,可以使用in total

in total的解释是:整个地…同时,该页为英语学习者提供:in total的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。in total 读音汉语翻译总共,总计【经】合计,全部例句:During the occupation, we had to livein totalsubmission (to the invader). 在沦陷时期,我们得听凭(侵略者的

My efforts endedin totalfailure. 我的努力终归全盘失败. 《简明英汉词典》Conclusion Preoperative embolization plays an important rolein totalexcision of giant hemaintotal 总共() 不常见:统共· 落得例子:rites and music are in ruins (idiom); fig. society in total disarray—礼乐崩坏· 礼坏乐崩· 礼废乐崩troops in defeat


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