
have a cold造句,headache造句

have cold 2023-10-19 14:44 537 墨鱼
have cold

have a cold造句,headache造句

Such a move might have a cold, consistent logic. 这样的举动也许具有一种冷静、一致的逻辑。wap.iciba 原声例句Some people who like to eat very hot chili pepper1. I have a cold and I feel terrible.(我感冒了,感觉很糟糕。2. She can't come to work today because she has a cold.(她因为感冒无法今天上班。3. When you have ac

have a cold造句简单翻译

catch a cold 是短暂性的have a cold 是延续性的例句:My brother caught a cold yesterday. 我弟弟昨天感冒了。My brother has had a cold for two days.我弟弟29、Tim: My nose is constantly running. Ihave a feverand I vomited a few times. Do you think it is a cold?

have a cold造句简单

have a cold的发音:单词解释患感冒与have a cold 相关的例句WhenIhaveacold,Ilosemysenseoftaste. 我感冒时吃东西就没有味道。IthinkImayhaveacold. 我想我可能感冒了。When youhave a cold, your food has very little flavour. 感冒的时候吃东西没有味道。When youhave a cold, your food sometimes has very little flavour. 你患伤风时,


5、Hehave a coldbath every evening. 6、have a coldin one's head 7、ANN: Do youhave a cold? 8、It sounds that youhave a cold. 9、Such a move mighthavhave a cold造句have a cold造句1. I can't go to work today because I have a cold. 2. My nose is so stuffy because I have a cold. 3. I've been sneezing all day bec


标签: headache造句



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