
enough造句简单,it is adj of sb to do造句

too to造句简单 2023-06-04 19:54 925 墨鱼
too to造句简单

enough造句简单,it is adj of sb to do造句

单词enough 例句大全,用单词enough造句:Calm down!Enough!Enough. 冷静下来,够了,够了it's just about bigenough 差不多够大了Know whenenoughisenough. 知道满足之时便已1、Enough. That'senough. 2、Soonenoughif wellenough. 3、-陈果《青春是一件多么痛的礼物》。4、Money is notenough, flowers areenough. 5、It's time t

+0+ enough造句enough造句1、We earned enough to buy a new house.我们挣的钱足够买一幢新房子. 2、But ultimately, these things are not enough. 但是在根本上,仅仅有这些仍enough造句1、Timon: "Well, enough of that."丁满:“好了,够了。”2、Strong enough to be bid Used of a hand of cards有资格叫牌的,可叫牌的有足够实力叫牌的,用在一手牌

ˋ▽ˊ 1、副词+enough 2、这足够买一部玩具车了。3、Itisenoughtobuyatoycar. 4、我要走了——我在这里造成的损害已经够大了。5、真不知怎么感谢你才好6、动词+宾enough造句1、Your work is just not goodenough.(你的工作真是不够好。2、Are you warmenough?(你够暖和吗? 3、Six bottles should beenough.(六瓶应该够了。4、Now then, that'senough no

enough造句简单并翻译enough形容词造句简单并翻译enough名词造句简单并翻译enough造句带翻译it is enough to造句简单带翻译用it is not enough to造句带翻译it is not enouenough造句简单易学【一】1 . 如果我很满意,你就会得到奖金!2 . 你知道这个句子的意思吗?3 . 但是,今天我们已经自己身陷巨大的混乱之中,跌跌撞撞地受控于一


标签: it is adj of sb to do造句



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