2023蛋糕11~简约水果生日蛋糕 水果款蛋糕上面分区放的水果是:草莓+芒果+红心火龙果底边是奶油+可可粉调的 #最好吃的奶油蛋糕#生日蛋糕晒一晒#生日蛋糕#简约款水果蛋糕#水果蛋糕#水...
10-16 647
provide造句简单带翻译 |
depend on造句简单带翻译,thatdepends单独成句
>▂< 单词depend on 例句大全,用单词depend on造句:Don'tdepend onyour ability to hold against the power of a machine. 不要只是用手扶着。The effects on skindepend onabso翻译My wife and daughter depend on me for their living. 我妻子女儿靠我生活。I depend on my pen for a living. 我靠写作为生。You shouldn't listen to the rumour.Y
ˋ▽ˊ dependon挖v. 依靠,依赖动词:1. be contingenton; 相似"The outcomes ridesonthe results of the electin"; 相似"Your grade will dependsonyour homework" dependuponI depend on my pen for a living.信任,信赖,确信,信任,对…有信心:You shouldn't listen to the rumour.You can depend on me.He's a man who can be depend
10、This candepend onwhere you are. 11、Students todaydepend onpaper too much. 12、It is education that we shoulddepend on. It is teachers that educdepend on英语造句,1、Let others be as butterflies who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life.
12、It all depend on whether she like the boss or not.一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。13、The poor and the disabled depend on the government for their livelihood烟台翻译公司He depends on his pen for his living. 他靠文笔为生。Success depends on perceverance. 成功侍乎毅力。英文中depend on ,人为主语时,有依
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标签: thatdepends单独成句
2023蛋糕11~简约水果生日蛋糕 水果款蛋糕上面分区放的水果是:草莓+芒果+红心火龙果底边是奶油+可可粉调的 #最好吃的奶油蛋糕#生日蛋糕晒一晒#生日蛋糕#简约款水果蛋糕#水果蛋糕#水...
10-16 647
郑州试点在跨境电商领域的发展及表现出来的雄心必然会为进驻的企业带来更多的实惠和帮助,那么目前在郑州试点从事跨境电商,我们可以选择哪些平台呢? 二、郑州进口跨境电商平台——万...
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10-16 647
10-16 647
防城港市港口区人民医院关于打印/复印纸的网上超市采购项目(项目编号:1348437000019096031)采购已经结束,现将采购结果公示如下: 一、项目信息 项目名称:防城港市港口区人民医...
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