

we的短语搭配 2023-10-15 10:48 338 墨鱼


we的用法总结大全we的意思pron.我们,咱们,笔者,本人,朕,人们we用法we可以用作代词we是复数第一人称代词的主格形式,其宾格形式是us。在句中用作主语时须用主格形式;用作宾语时用宾格形式;用在A as well B also C.as if D. as well as 13.(1) We all passed the exam,but ___ him, he alone failed. (2) ___ running, learning English needs will. A. As/as with B. As/as

1、we的用法总结大全we的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来we的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。we的意思pron. 我们,咱们,笔者,本人We have seen the film.我们已经看过这部电影。We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。we用法例句1、For what do we live, but to mak

▼taste的用法总结taste的用法1:taste的基本意思是“品尝某种物品的味道”。引申可指尝尽人生的酸甜苦辣。taste用于否定句中时,可表示“少量的)吃、喝”。taste常与介词of连用,We're very well where we are.我们处境很好。It would be well to start early.最好还是早点动身。well可以用作感叹词well用作感叹词,用在表示惊讶、犹豫

13. We were heartily welcomed by our hosts. (不用welcome )我们受到主人的热情欢迎。welcome的用法例句1. You are welcome to visit the hospital at anWe view every customer as a partner.我们将每一位客户视为合作伙伴。view用法例句1、What other home offers such a commanding view of the capital? 还

●^● We'll go wherever you like.你爱去哪儿我们就去哪儿。wherever用法例句1、Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men. 不管上哪儿,保warm用法例句1、Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。2、Warm weather has attracted t


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