

could例句 2023-10-08 09:48 380 墨鱼


could造句复制1、couldI just peep inside?(我能不能看一眼里边? 2、I don't suppose youcouldtell me where James Street is,couldyou?(不知你能不能告诉我詹姆士街在哪could造句怎么造怎样用could造句梦里梦外都是你小学教育精选回答1、Could you please help me? 你能帮助我吗?2、I couldnt come over to give you a hand. 我不能过来

9、She could hate as passionately as she could love. 10、And he could not speak, he could not cry out. 11、You could retrain them or you could hire could造句1、Excuse me, miss, could we have a table over there by the wall对不起,小姐,我们可以坐那儿靠墙的桌子吗?2、I am a Sinologist, Idealist, I could not take

●△● 例句1:Could I use your mobile phone?我可以用一下你的手机吗?注意,回答时不可再用could, 而是用can. 如:Yes, you can. 或No, you can’t.2. 请求别人做某事,语气较委婉。下面是一些以could造句的例子,希望能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词。1. Could you please pass me the salt? 我能请你递给我盐吗?2. I could hear the birds singing o

It could rain tomorrow If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.假若我是一只鸟,我就能在天空中飞翔。They could have completed this work.他们本来是能够完could造句简单could造句简单的如下:1、I could win the game but I failed. 我本可以赢得这场比赛,但我失败了。2、Could you please give me one more apple? 你能再给我


标签: 用youcould造句



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