
opal travel app,travelboast旅行地图安卓版

semicsopera探针台 2022-12-02 20:49 480 墨鱼

opal travel app,travelboast旅行地图安卓版

软件标签:澳大利亚app乘车appopaltravel opal travel手机客户端是专为去澳大利亚旅游的用户开发的手机交通出行服务软件,可以让你轻松去乘车,还可以和自己的Opal卡进行绑定,让你可Tripview lite:最准确的交通信息更新opal travel:可以看到公交卡状况,online充值Wilson parking:online提前预定停车位缴费03 吃饭相关Hungry Panda:上面不仅中餐很全,还有很多

≥﹏≤ 拿到Opal card之后下载Opal Travel这个app,绑上自己这张卡,你就可以查询路线以及每次乘车花费,比较方便。另外,注意尽量不要在晚上五六七点之间去坐,这个时候是高峰期,贵30%。PS:留Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan t

Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan tOpal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan t

Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan t在澳洲出行,如果你没有汽车,在悉尼你可以下载opal travel,在布里斯班你可以下载My translink,在墨尔本


标签: travelboast旅行地图安卓版



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