
the green shoots of,green with

thegreendoor大概内容 2023-12-29 21:56 155 墨鱼

the green shoots of,green with

28. The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 森林连绵数百里。29. The branches swayed about the wind. 树枝随风摆动。30. Plant trees and flowers to make the country The soldiers had orders toshoot to kill(=shoot at someone with the intention of killing them) . 士兵奉命开枪射杀。【例句】They shot arrows from behind the thick

the green shoots of recovery 经济复苏的迹象greener pastures 更好的新地方;更好的职位She's giving up her job and moving on to pastures new. 她准备辞职,去找更好的工作。跟着Peaky Blinders学英语(十三) 1.green shoots 英文解释:signs of growth or renewal, especially of economic recovery following a period of recession green shoots是萌芽的

12. It was only with the help of the local guide ___.A. was the mountain climber rescuedB. then the mountain climber was rescuedC. that the mountain绿芽(GREEN SHOOTS),名词。1. 春天的第一个迹象,常常因酷暑和秋雨而衰败。chinese.wsj|基于111个网页2. 嫩芽美股更愈战愈勇,究竟经济嫩芽(Green Shoots)是昙花一现,还

Egyptian painters often represented their god of ___ , Osiris —who was responsible for flooding the Nile’s banks, filling the soil with nutrients and pushing t17. White hair still listens to the sound of beating leaves (brother Yu sings late) 18. The ancient style of Baishi refractory green belt (Yinshan G

By developing organic farming and processing, the use of fertilizers and pesticides during agricultural production can be greatly reduced. Based on figures released by Last week the price of goods jumped. ( C ) A、跳;跳过B、惊跳C、物价等)暴涨17. kill (1) The traffic jam killed our hope of getting there on time. ( D ) (2) His joke


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