
kind英语造句,用a kind of造句子

Kind造句 2023-10-16 10:20 467 墨鱼

kind英语造句,用a kind of造句子

kind英语造句,1、The man was making some kind of joke, and he nodded vacantly.那人在讲着什么笑话,他茫然地点点头。2、a kind of natural1. We often do this kind of exercise.我们经常做这类练习。2. He looks kind with snowy hair.雪白的头发使他看上去很和善。3. What kind of medicine is this?

You are kind.一是有趣的学习模式。大思英语的课程是根据教学大纲题材而编排设计的,主要的课程有有三个阶段的教学内容。以游戏闯关奖励的方式,让孩子在学习过1. We often do this kind of exercise. 我们经常做这类练习。2. He looks kind with snowy hair. 雪白的头发使他看上去很和善。3. What kind of medicine i

例:That is very kind of you. 译:你太友好了。例:I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news. 译:我认为告诉他这个坏消息倒是友好的行为。get vt.得到,收到,具单词kind 例句大全,用单词kind造句:Akindof necklace. Aah! 那是什么?一条项链A cow is akindof animal. 牛是动物的一种。Whatkindof a job a man A nanny 男人做那种工作

英语里的kind这个单词有很多用法,可以被用来表达种种不同的意思。以下是用kind造句的几种例子:1. He is kind to everyone he meets.他对每个人都很友善。2. She has a kind英语的句型很多,但常见的句型有以下几种:It is / was +adj.(+ for sb.) + to do sth. It’s + (good / kind / clever …+ of sb. To do sth. It’s no use / good …doing sth


标签: 用a kind of造句子



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