

动词的现在分词和过去分词 2023-10-13 13:43 770 墨鱼


˙^˙ 以下是一些常见的用法:1.作为名词,light可以指光线、灯光、火光等。例如:The light is too bright.(光线太亮了。、I left the light on all night.(我整晚都把灯开着。2light的用法例句1. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness. 灯熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。2. The company manufactures a range of inno

+▂+ 2、Light的用法n. (名词) 1、light的基本意思是“光,光线,光亮”,指自然界中可以照亮其他物体的物质。light也可用来指一束光的来源,即“光源”或“电灯,灯”light的用法例句1. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness. 灯熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。2. The company manufactures a range of inn

light car: 轻便的汽车(light= having little weight) light step: 轻快的步伐(light= gentle) light manners:轻浮的举止(light=frivolous) light worlk: light可作名词或动词,用法有所不同。现在将light的用法总结如下:1.light可作可数名词,表示灯,如电灯等Would you please turn off the light? 请把灯关了好吗?The lights i

light普通用词,指点燃易燃物,使其能发光,满足各种需要。三、你知道light和哪些词更搭吗?arc light n. 弧光灯beam of light n. 光束come to light v.暴露Peter, I know these last few months have been hard for you. But I’m going to a better place. And I will be okay. And I will always be with you. You are the light of my


标签: stop的用法



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