
put away翻译成汉语,putaway的汉语

put sth away 2023-03-16 14:43 401 墨鱼
put sth away

put away翻译成汉语,putaway的汉语

ˋ^ˊ put away基本解释收起来;放好;储存;打消网络释义1. 收拾起来,存起来2. 收好3. 放好,放起来4. 拿走5. 收拾好6. 开船7. 收起来,收好8. 收拾9. 放弃10. 抛弃putaway汉语翻译:放好,储存备用,抛弃,放弃英语解释:动词putaway:placeinaplacewheresomethingcannotberemovedorsomeonecannot

“put away”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 把收起;放好Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。2. 储存3. 抛弃;放弃相关put away意思是“放好”。例句:1、Please check through the laundry and then put it away.请把所洗的衣服检点一下,然后拿去放好。2、I've put the milk away

put away 读音汉语翻译放好,储存备用,抛弃,放弃英语解释:动词put away: place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape 同义词:lockput away的翻译如下:把…收起来;储存;放好;收好。当它的意思是“将…收起;把…放回原处”时,其通常是用来描述放置暂时不用的物品,比如一些贵重物品,自己现

throw or cast away相似短语put away v. 1.把…收起来,放好2.储存…备用3.处理掉,抛弃,放弃4.吃掉,喝掉put sb away 把送进监狱,把送进疯人院,把处死,杀掉,葬掉put sth awayput away的解释是:放好,储存备用,处理掉,放弃,…同时,该页为英语学习者提供:put away的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。


标签: putaway的汉语



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